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    Pallmann Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG



    +49 6332 802-0, 947-5019

    In the rotomoulding markets, new applications, end products and materials are increasingly in demand. The PP Copolymer is a result of these efforts. This type of material is used during the production of parts which must perform their services under difficult conditions. Parts made of PP Copolymer are mire impact-resistant in extreme cold conditions, very heat-resistant and dimensionally stable. These characteristics allow them to be used in vehicle engine compartments and during the manufacture of pressure containers. These moulded parts are also optimally suited for utilization in extreme climatic conditions or for installation below ground level. In order to produce these products in the rotomoulding process, the PP Copolymer must first be pulverized. Only the production of a high quality powder allows for a defined distribution in rotational moulds. Pallmann, in close cooperation with its customers, optimized a process to prepare this difficult-to-pulverize material, without the addition of liquid nitrogen Pulverization is performed under ambient temperature. The pulverizing system, type PKMM thereby achieves a high and continuous throughput rate. The evaluation of the results from these trials and comparisons between powder quality, capacity and energy consumption attest the efficiency of the Pallmann process when compared to established cryogenic grinding process. Similar good results are also achieved when pulverizing materials such as PS, PMMA, PC and polyester.

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